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Welcome To Skip Your Next Heart Attack | Dr. Gina Pritchard

Hi everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel. I'm Dr. Gina Pritchard, and I help people live their entire life without a heart attack.

0: 09 Understanding Heart Attack Risks
Whether you've had your first heart attack and you're trying to avoid a second or even a third, or you haven't had a heart attack but aren't positive that you are not at risk, then this channel is for you.
You see, everyone can know, and I believe deserves to know, if they're headed for a heart attack or not. Because in this day and age, we can, I say, turn the car around and keep you going the other direction. We don't want you to head straight for a heart attack, whether it's next year, or in five years, or in thirty years. You want to know now where you stand.

0:42 The Importance of Complete Cardiovascular Evaluation
There are at least five tests that you probably haven't had. I say most people that have been evaluated for cardiovascular disease risk for heart attack risk, their workup has not been inaccurate. It's just been incomplete.

0:57 Benefits of Heart-Healthy Living
So, listen to my channel and learn everything you need to know about not only living a life free from the crisis that can occur from cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack, stroke, dementia, diabetes, but also because this information, if it's good for your heart, I say it's good for the body. It's good for the heart. It's good for the brain. It's good for the body. It's good for every cell in your body. And so with this information, not only will you protect yourself from the top killer, but you will create the body that you want and the future that you want, because truly at the core, this is longevity medicine.

1:32 Personalized Holistic Approach to Prevention
This is prevention medicine. This is precision medicine and it's holistic. It isn't just prescribing medications. No. It's a thorough evaluation, a thorough understanding on your part of what's going on inside your body and then specific recommendations for you that really are not that hard. And they're going to help you feel better. And as I said, create the body and the future that you want.

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