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Skip Your Next Heart Attack: Day 1 Cardiac Clarity

Let's talk cardiac clarity because I think a lot of people need to get clear on just heart disease in general. But one of the things that you say that I love is that their evaluation is not inaccurate. It's just incomplete.
Most people that come to see us have not had a complete test panel or a complete evaluation to even know if they're headed for a heart attack or not. Most people have had their cholesterol, their blood pressure, maybe their body weight, possibly a stress test. However, you need to understand fully if you have plaque in the coronary arteries of the heart, you need to know if you have insulin and glucose related issues. You need to know if you have bacteria in your mouth. If your oxygen level is dropping day or night, and you need to know about inflammation, very specific blood tests telling us about inflammation in the arteries.
So, if you haven't had all 5 of those tests. It doesn't even matter if you've had your blood pressure checked. Yeah, that tells you you have a risk factor for a heart attack, but it doesn't tell you: are you headed for a heart attack or not? You can know, but you have to have a complete test evaluation, including at least those five tests I mentioned.
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