Calcium in The Heart Arteries
Calcium in The Heart Arteries

If we all had our choice, when we get a coronary artery calcium score test, a CAT scan that gives us a number telling us how much calcium is in the coronary or the heart arteries, if we all had our choice, that number would be zero, or it would be very low, because all of the studies on this test and on calcium in the heart arteries indicates the greater the calcium, the greater your risk of heart attack, the greater your risk of stroke, the greater your risk of cardiovascular disease problems in your future, and it will shorten your life.
However, there's a lot of misinformation out there about calcification in the coronary arteries. Calcification is initially a good thing. You can use calcium appropriately, if you have enough vitamin D3 and K2 for example, and other things, you can use it appropriately in small amounts to stabilize plaque.
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