Foods That Are Rich in Vitamin K2
Foods That Are Rich in Vitamin K2
Foods That Are Rich in Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2, an essential vitamin, especially taken with vitamin D3, that's particularly important so that D3 and K2 can work together for your body to utilize calcium appropriately. But vitamin K2 is found in a lot of my favorite foods that I eat on a daily basis. No, I don't eat a low fat diet, and I do not recommend a low fat diet.
Vitamin K2 is found in meat, fatty meat. It's found in high fat cheeses. Some of my favorites, the hard cheeses, Gouda cheese, for example. I know Gouda's not particularly hard, but all the hard, high fat cheeses, and also Gouda, and also Brie. Anyway, it's also in fermented foods. It's in natto, which is the fermented soybean. That's something I don't eat, but that's high in vitamin K2. As is kefir, and fermented foods like sauerkraut, pickles, pickled okra, etc.
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