How To Check Your Blood Glucose and Ketones
How To Check Your Blood Glucose and Ketones
Hi everyone. I'm going to show you how to check your blood glucose and your ketones using the Keto Mojo and doing so in less than one minute. Let's see if I can do it. This is the Brown's test strip. You just put a little drop of blood in there and it's going to give me my blood sugar. I keep the finger ready. 92 on the blood sugar. There you go. 92. Can you see that? And then let's do the ketones.
Drop of blood on the blue strip, and it's calculating. I have a few seconds. Ketones, I want them between 1 and 3, but this is the evening. I finished eating about three hours ago. What do I have there? 0.5. That's terrible. So 0.5 to 1 is nutritional ketosis. That's the minimum I want them to be.
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