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Breath to Health: The Airway Revolution at The Totality of Care Symposium

00: 00 The Airway Revolution Documentary
Two of the founding organizers, and fortunately for all of us, speakers at this year's symposium, are a repeat from Dr Victor Avis and his daughter, Sydney Avis. Any of you that have heard them speak before, or have heard Sydney's story, do not want to miss the updated version. The Airway Revolution documentary will be coming out soon, definitely in 2024. We're hoping the first quarter of 2024. If not, second quarter for sure.

00 :30 The Evolution of Airway Health Awareness
And the story continues to evolve, and there's so much more depth to airway than there was even when we began the Airway Revolution Foundation. And I was fortunately asked to be on the board as a founding member. That might've been two years ago. Has it been three, Lora? I don't remember.
Look how much has changed. There continues to be so many new solutions. So much greater understanding to the complexity of the problem, but yet more simple solutions, strategies to try, better diagnostics.

01:12 The Critical Role of Airway in Overall Health
I wanted to make sure everyone knows that we will definitely highlight Dr Avis and Sydney because their message is so important, and because the message and topic of airway, as all of us that are even considering coming are well aware of, that I would say airway concerns, the oral microbiome, and those two things leading to leaky everything, Leaky Syndrome, are the two top contributors for heart attack and stroke risk or why somebody's had a heart attack or a stroke or is experiencing dementia or vascular related issues in my practice.

02:43 The Universal Impact of Airway Issues
Number one, it's going to be exciting to hear an update about the Airway Revolution Foundation and to hear the updated ever evolving story of just airway. I mean, Victor Avis and Sydney Avis don't even want it to be about Sydney's story anymore because they've now gotten so many people reaching out to the foundation about their own stories that it's taken on a life of its own, which is, of course, what they wanted from the beginning, because there are millions of people out there that are suffering from ADHD and social isolation and losing their job and cancer and dementia and the list goes on and on because airway issues closely tied to oral health issues. All of that is which came first, the chicken or the egg or they come at the same time. I don't know.
So, if you see patients at all for any reason, there are many reasons to come to the symposium.

059 From Brain Health to Practical Strategies
You mentioned Dr Nathan Brian's going to be coming back and sharing his updates and that has everything to do with airway and breathing too, our whole nitric oxide pathway and just again, how we can help you connect the dots in this Totality of Care.
One of my other repeats that will be there is Anne Rice, and she'll be talking about brain health, and so again, airway, brain health, right? Well, you're going to take away the tools to actually implement it on your patients and in your practice, practical strategies that you can implement right away.

05:55 The Power of Mindset, Skillset, and Toolset in Practice
And that your team, when coming together, we have three ways to implement in a practice.
And the first way is mindset. Just hearing this story from Airway Revolution and understanding how universal it is in our population. I feel like it just really shifts our mindset. We look at our patients through a different pair of glasses.
And then from mindset, once we kind of understand that and and realize these problems that is really universal in so many patients, it kind of shifts till I say our skill set. So, our skill set starts to change. That’s the power of implementation. All of our sponsors that will be there. They're helping provide these new skill sets that you get to take home and all the people that we've partnered with really lock arms with you and hold your hand through the process is what we need when we're getting a new skill set. And I say that builds our tool set, right? Cause then I have this toolbox, tool set, to say, "Oh, this is when I use this. This is how I use this.”

07:10 The Transformative Impact of the Symposium
So, I hope that you hear a little piece of how different the symposium is from networking to the speakers, to the strategies. But really, the biggest thing is the impact it makes on your practice. It really sets you apart. I know that that is a big piece in business and what we have to offer patients.

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