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Skip Your Next Heart Attack: Day 3 Cardiac Cuisine | Dr. Gina Pritchard
Skip Your Next Heart Attack: Day 3 Cardiac Cuisine

0: 03 Importance of Nutrition in Heart Health

On this day, we're going to cover nutrition. What do we eat? We probably get that question more than anything else. Is it a diet? Is it what I'm eating? Of course, what you're eating can be contributing to your risk of heart attack or protecting you from heart attack. And there's a lot of controversy out there regarding what on earth do we eat.

0:25 Exploring Different Diets

We're going to clear all of that up for you on day three when we talk about cardiac cuisine. Is it intermittent fasting? Is it keto? Is it vegan? Is it paleo? We're going to clear it up so that you know exactly what to eat to protect yourself from heart attack.

0:40 Finding the Best Diet for You

So, day three, you don't want to miss this one. This is where it's at. Everybody wants to know we're going to get quiet down all that media out there and find out what diet is actually best for you. See you on day three.

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