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Dr. Gina Pritchard on The Carnivore Diet: Day 51

Personal Experience with Carnivore Diet
Diet Components and Personal Observations
Advice on Protein Intake
Recommended Foods and Personal Dietary Choices
Continued Success and Body Changes
Potential Challenges and Solutions
Final Thoughts and Future Plans

Day 51 of the carnivore diet for me, and I have to say more good things to report. I continue to feel great. I continue to, I say, lose weight. I haven't weighed, and I will weigh the next time I go to the office, and I'll update you on that. But my body is definitely changing. My clothes are fitting looser. In fact, I ordered some new clothes recently and ordered a size smaller. When they came in, I actually have to send them back and order two sizes smaller than what I normally wear.

My body is feeling more muscular, and workouts are, I don't know that I would say easier, but I am feeling stronger. I would definitely describe it that way and seeing more muscle definition, but I just feel great. My outlook on life is better. I feel more like my youthful self. I'm laughing more, smiling more, enjoying life more. I just can't say enough good things about the carnivore diet. Day 51. My skin is softer and it's so simple.

I truly eat primarily ribeye steak or ground beef, eggs, butter, and salt, a lot of salt, high quality salt. I drink coffee still. It seems like whenever I veer outside of those things I just mentioned, it's not awful, but I don't, I just don't feel as good. I don't feel as mentally sharp. I don't feel like I'm thinking as quickly. I just don't feel the energy I do when I stick with those things I just mentioned. Now, I don't think that'll be my only components to what I eat for the rest of my life, but right now, I'm going to stick with this and I'll keep you posted as I add in other things.

Also, I want to say that this is not medical advice, obviously. Absolutely not medical advice, and I'm not even recommending it to my patients, and I'm not recommending to you that you go on the carnivore diet. But I am suggesting that you check into the carnivore diet if you think it's something you might want to explore. I have told a few of my patients, selectively, to try it and you know, this is not a dramatic change from what I was doing in that I've been recommending to my patients.

I've been practicing eating a high protein diet, what some might consider a high protein diet, but prioritizing protein into our lives. Most of us are not getting adequate protein. When we don't, we can't maintain or build muscle. We can't adequately optimize our hormones and our brain isn't functioning as well.

There are so many reasons to make sure that we're getting enough protein in our diet. I shoot for about one gram of protein per day to ideal body weight. So not the weight that you are now if you're wanting to lose weight or gain weight, but what is your ideal body weight? Start moving towards one gram of protein daily for each pound of body weight, whatever your ideal body weight is.

So that being said, I've been recommending that for a long time to patients and focusing on real food with meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, high quality oils only, such as olive oil or avocado oil or butter or beef tallow, collagen, bone broth. Primarily, those are the things that I recommend patients eat from.

Dairy can be tricky. It kind of depends on the individual and on the type of dairy. I definitely recommend whole milk or full fat dairy, not low fat, ever. Anyway, that being said, I've eliminated all of that except for the foods that I mentioned earlier, meat and eggs and butter.

And I do occasionally have half and half or cream, but not every day, not regularly. I do think that I feel a little less energy when I have half and half or cream in my coffee.

I'm definitely improving my body composition. I love the way that my body is looking and feeling and the way my body is serving me. It's just stronger and I love it. I absolutely love this carnivore lifestyle. It's simple and it feels so good. Love the way my clothes are fitting and looking and that I'm needing smaller sizes.

I highly recommend you check into it. Certainly, this is not medical advice, but this is working out really well for me and I can't imagine that I'm going to change from it. I don't want sweets. I don't want vegetables. I'm not tempted by fruit. This is so satisfying and just lovely. I can't say enough good things about it.

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