Anatomy of A Heart Attack
Anatomy of A Heart In most individuals, the heart sits left side of the chest is about the size of your heart. So, this is my model. That's a little bit bigger than my heart is but this is the muscle that gives the blood supply to the rest of the body. That's why the heart muscle must be strong.
A heart attack occurs when the blood supply giving the oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the heart muscle has an interruption in that blood flow. Then the muscle starts to be damaged, it starts to die, the cells start to die, it cannot function effectively.
This is the aorta, and off the aorta, behind this, you can't see it very well, the main large coronary arteries come off of the trunk of the aorta. The first branch is called the left main, which gives the left anterior descending and the circumflex coronary artery to the left side of the heart which is a critically important pumping chamber. And then also to the right coronary artery, which gives the blood supply to the right side of the heart.