Top Tip by Doctor to Start Improving Heart Health
Here's my number one tip to begin improving your heart health, to begin improving all aspects of your health. You can start today. Eat real food. I'll give you examples of real food in each category. Proteins, meat of all types, but beef, bison, and lamb are best. Poultry, fish and seafood, and eggs. Good healthy fats, anything from an animal is good. Butter, ghee, beef fat, duck fat, but also coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil are fine. In the category of carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits. Now I didn't mention dairy, and dairy is highly individual, but if you do okay with dairy, only high fat dairy with no emulsifiers.
Emulsifiers are those things you can't pronounce on the label. Use spices and salt and throw out everything else in your kitchen, including grains and sugar. They have to go. Begin today eating real food.