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Skip Your Next Heart Attack 5-Day Challenge

If you want to know why you had the heart attack and nobody has been able to tell you, then the Skip Your Next Heart Attack Challenge is for you.
If you've been wondering why have you had to go back for your second or your third, maybe even your fourth heart stent, your coronary stent, any of you who's ever had a stent, have a loved one that's had a coronary stent procedure, knows what I'm talking about. Almost everyone goes back for a second procedure. Oftentimes, it's just a continual way of life throughout the rest of their life. They miss work. They lose their job. Perhaps their business suffers. Their family suffers. Their health suffers. If that's you, you do not want to miss the Skip Your Next Heart Attack Challenge.

00:50 The Importance of Early Evaluation for Heart Attack Risk
But maybe you just wonder if you're going to go down the path, you're wondering if you're going to go down the path that you saw your mother or your father or your grandparents or your aunts or uncles go down.
Maybe you're trying to live a healthy life or not, but you're getting to the age of 40. Or 45 or 50. I say everyone deserves to have a complete evaluation for heart attack risk, for stroke risk, for diabetes risk, at least by age 40, 45 at the latest, if you haven't had it, because we hear all the time, Lora, don't we?
People say, I had no idea all of that was going on inside my body. I'm so glad I know. We hear that a lot. I love when people say that because I love knowing what all you can know about what's going on inside your body, not just because you can check that off that it's good to know, but because you can do something about it.

01:44 The Role of Complete Evaluation in Preventing Heart Attacks
Lora and I would not be talking about this topic if we didn't have hope and answers, real answers. We're not kidding when we say, even if we give the advice that the American Heart Association gives and has on the website and have numerous studies to back it up, 80% of heart attacks and strokes can be prevented, at least 80%.
We see a much higher number in our practice because we take it to another level, even beyond that. It's not hard. It's easy things that you can implement. A lot of times, it's just that you haven't had a complete evaluation. You don't really know what all is contributing to a potential 1st heart attack or 1st stroke or potential diabetes and other problems or if you've had a problem, you don't know that something is still going on inside your body that hasn't been addressed.
So, as you know, Lora, I say, we both have said for a long time that, oftentimes, an evaluation or a workup for a patient is not inaccurate. It is just incomplete, and oftentimes, it's grossly incomplete. There are several things that are missing that are key contributors to a person's risk of heart attack and stroke and diabetes and dementia. It's just not evaluated routinely. But that's what we do every day in our practice.
And so, we want to bring this information and the implementation of it to more people. What can you ask your doctor for? What can you talk to your nurse practitioner about? What can you talk to your dental hygienist and your dentist about to get the answers you need, to get the tests you need.

03:22 The Power of Lifestyle Changes in Heart Attack Prevention
And yes, there'll be plenty on strategies that you can implement today in terms of diet and exercise and daily routines. And, you know, how we're going to talk. If you've heard us talk at all, we're going to talk a lot about bliss and joy and happiness and laughing because there's a lot of science and definitely clinical experience that we know, without a doubt, addressing those relationships, addressing the joy of life, addressing the spiritual aspect of life is associated with length of life, that's for sure, and reduction of heart attack risk.

04:20 The Impact of One Change on Your Health
You may only change one thing but we see in our practice every day that one decision moves you closer to the health you desire, to the future you desire, to the health in the future that you desire. One change can make all the difference.

054 The Importance of Preventing the First Heart Attack
Well, what most people don't know, I think that's so important about Skip Your Next Heart Attack is that once you have a heart attack, statistically, you're going to have another one. And so, whether I say you want to Skip Your Next Heart Attack, for me, I want to skip the first heart attack, because we don't really understand that statistic.

05:40 The Five Secrets to Cardiac Care
So, what are these five little secrets? That's really what we're going to go over in the challenge is things that really get overlooked or aren't discussed.

060 Join the 5-Day Challenge to Skip Your Next Heart Attack
So, I ask everyone to join us in this 5-Day Challenge.

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