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Day #41 And The Competitive Edge Of Masterminds

The Beginning Of Day # 41 In Andrew’s Adventures In Intermittent Fasting. One of the big benefits I've noticed is that I'm able to get by on less sleep than I used to, or at least when I don't get enough sleep, it doesn't affect me or impact me as negatively as before. Today, I'm running on about 5 hours sleep as I woke up at 5:30 with my brain coming up with full-fledged plans for a new marketing plan for 2 of our clients.

As I'm sitting in the hotel lobby, I see all these people trundle off to go grab breakfast which is fine and dandy, but they're going to waste at least 30 minutes or more on this meal and probably a good 30 minutes to an hour on lunch and then another 30 minutes to an hour on dinner and it just struck me as to how much extra time intermittent fasting has giving me more than likely it's probably at least an hour and a half every single day or roughly 10 hours a week if not more.

That whole thought process got me to thinking about what else in our life we have accepted for literally decades that was simply not true being that you had to eat three meals a day and that breakfast was the most important part of the day or an important part of your good healthy eating, as it were and I would have to say that based on 41 days into this experiment that whole line of thinking is absolutely positively rubbish.

The same is true for most Marketing and Business information as well. For instance, I learned an anti-intuitive technique that could easily double our optin rates on our emails. Do the math on that one for your business.

The quality and Clarity of my whole thought process during this time has never ever been sharper than I can remember. And this was evident during this whole trip that I've been on these past several days that allowed me to come in contact with a group of wonderful, highly motivate, successful entrepreneurs.

While here, I've learned several absolutely cutting-edge technological and marketing techniques that is going to make our customers an absolute crap ton full of money as I don't know how else to put it. I mean we're talking seven figures here for a number of them I would think by the end of the year, there was something else that came to the surface.

The other thing is it also made me realize that the things that we're doing with our crew are not being done by anyone else. I mean, even the best marketers that I know of which is absolutely fantastic, but you're never quite sure until you can get a chance to see how they're operating and what they're doing now. They're making literally millions of dollars every month and I have to tell you, that is a fantastic feeling.

Yes, it's great because we're going to be able to make quite a bit of money off of what we have developed, but more importantly, we're going to be able to give our clients a Competitive Edge that no one else will have, primarily their competition which makes me feel even better Because at the end of the day, it's all about doing your very best to service your clients and make them successful and when that is your main motivation in every single case where that is put first your success will follow.

Because I truly do believe that what goes around comes around or you can call it karma or doing unto to others, or however you want to put it. The fact of the matter is that it's true.

Andrew Anderson

PS I've been forced to do these updates from my cell phone as my laptop took a dump after going through the scanner at the airport and I I have heard that at least four other people here experience the same thing just FYI. I also learned that I'm going to put my iPad away and only play games on it as it is probably the least productive device that I have. My Galaxy pad blows it away as far as productivity. Unfortunately I did not bring it, I brought the iPad, which will never happen again. So please excuse any typos or grammatical errors beyond the normal amount that you experience in all of my posts. LOL

Have an awesome and profitable day and perhaps think about what you can do to figure out things that you have been doing that are just plain wrong.

One more really good article on Soy.

Here is another good about Soy. Tofu made of Soybeans was originally invented by monks to kill their sex drive.

Researchers in Japan use soybean compound to make catfish 100% female - The Mainichi

Researchers in Japan use soybean compound to make catfish 100% female - The Mainichi

SHINGU, Wakayama -- A team of researchers in Japan has succeeded in making catfish all female with a compound found in soybeans -- a development that
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Biohacking and Longevity: What is Leaky Syndrome?

So, today the topic is definition of, and even more importantly, an understanding of this new buzzword, this new phenomenon, if you will, Leaky Syndrome. What is Leaky Syndrome and how did it come to be actually?

00:38 The Birth of 'Leaky Syndrome' Concept

It's everywhere, leaky gums, it's leaky gut, it's leaky heart, it's leaky brain, it's leaky liver, it's leaky kidney. Leaky Syndrome. I think it was a lighbulb moment for me too, because I'd actually been thinking about that as you and I had several conversations leading up to that, talking about how it's such a similar concept of what's happening in our blood vessels. That’s a similar concept of what's happening with very varied reasons for dementia, whether it's vascular related or it's Alzheimer's type or glucose toxicity type or brain injury. All of those have a similar, we call it pathophysiologic. Physiologic or physiology means the normal functioning of the body and then pathophysiologic or pathophysiology is something that should be occurring in a certain way because it's healthy. Then it's now pathologic; it's not occurring in a healthy way. It's occurring in an unhealthy way, or it's going in that direction.

So, we saw this shift from what Lora calls creating health to fighting disease. We were somewhere in the middle of that. And it's like, at the same time, we were in the middle of wanting to change the whole paradigm from naming the disease, finding the disease, naming it, applying an ICD 10 code, and treating it with a pill or a procedure. We wanted to move away from that to yes, we know this is going on this disease process but creating health to eradicate the disease while we're treating the disease and thinking of the body as an entire human system.

While we were having all of those conversations, then we were also having these very nitty gritty cellular level conversations about what's happening with these cells and the immune system is doing this to try to resolve a problem in the artery wall or in the gingivitis or periodontitis or in the GI tract. And it was a recurring theme because, as you said, once you have all of the contributors to the problem of either leaky gums or leaky arteries or anything, your whole body is affected and you're moving towards disease and away from health. So, anyway, Leaky Syndrome seemed to fit. So, we claim it, that's for sure.

04:37 Expanding the Leaky Syndrome to Various Organs
074 The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Health
089 Embracing Traditional Practices for Modern Health
12:20 The Future of Health: Longevity and Biohacking

And we have a lot more to say about Leaky Syndrome, about creating health, about cellular health, about the human body as an entire system, and how you can have the life you deserve now and that you want now, and most importantly, plan now for the end of life so that you can live as long as you want and be just as active and just as functional, just as cognitively intact, if you will, able to do your favorite thing, that would be the ideal.

And if you plan for it now, you can be doing your favorite thing with your last breath at age, I don't know, you can pick it. I used to say 90. Then I said, 95. Okay, all right, I'm going to live to be 100. And now, with our colleagues that we're engaged with on a regular basis that have their finger on the pulse, as do we now in terms of age reversal medicine and longevity medicine, it seems very realistic that we have the technology to live a very vibrantly healthy life to 120 at least. It's an exciting time to be alive. We're just happy to be a part of it.

That’s the whole biohacking era that we're in. I think these strategies and techniques and really what we're talking about is a Leaky Syndrome solution. What's the solution to that and being able to apply these solutions and going back to what works, like you said, not losing some of the fundamentals, but adding in also these new strategies and techniques that we have out there. I think it's just fascinating, and I hope we all can live to the biohacking world goals, and doing our favorite thing on that last day, and last breath.

For more information, visit:

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The Inflammation Triad: Pathogens

0: 00 Your Mouth is Putting You At Risk
02:10 Wreaking Havoc Everywhere
03:26 Three Portals of Entry
06:49 Other Things That Contribute to Inflammation

So doctors Bale and Doneen and Vigerust were the first to describe the pathophysiology of this so beautifully. They call this the atherogenic triad. These 5 high risk or dangerous bacteria have a direct, deadly impact on the artery wall, on that plaque. These bacterial pathogens and their endotoxins call in the LDL cholesterol and increase the concentration of this dense, sticky, dangerous type of cholesterol at the site of the artery wall where plaque is.

Toxins have to get through that lining in the artery wall to get into the intima-media space. The inflammation that occurs there just opens up this endothelial lining and makes it much more permeable or leaky for the bacteria, the toxins, the lipids, the debris to get into the artery wall, create a lesion, become a vulnerable plaque, and then it increases the stickiness. It's more difficult for your body to clear it. That's at least three ways we know of that these bacterial pathogens have a direct causal relationship with heart attack and stroke.

Another study describes 5 ways oral bacterial pathogens get into the wall of the artery and into the arterial lining everywhere. They get into the brain and lead to not only vascular related dementia, but other dementia types. Into every organ in the body because it's really wreaking havoc at the cellular level.

This all goes back to years ago when the American Heart Association said, "There's so much evidence we cannot ignore the fact that at least 50% of heart attacks are triggered by oral pathogens." We have good data to support this. We just need to get the message out there not only is it validated, we're practicing on evidence based protocols, but that there is a way to treat it. There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. We can all live free of heart attack and stroke.

Let’s look at the three portals of entry coming from the mouth. The first one is vascularity. Bleeding gums is what a lot of people associate epithelial lining and they're crossing over into the bloodstream. There is a direct penetration of the esophagus. As you're swallowing, it can penetrate through that. Thirdly, we are swallowing. That is when these bacteria are swallowed and make their way into our GI tract. They are absorbed through the lining and into the bloodstream.

Many of them in the GI tract cross this lining that is meant to protect us. They contribute to this dysbiosis, or this lack of health in the microbiome in the GI tract. Normally, we have a mucosal layer. One layer of protection. Then we have this one cell layer thick, of the epithelial cells with these villi. All of these things are designed to move all of the toxins, the big particles like bacterial pathogens that reside in the mouth or any kind of toxins. These pathogens are supposed to go on downstream in the GI tract and be eliminated, not make their way into the bloodstream.

But because they cause damage to the tract and because many other things we do in our lifestyle contributes to damage to the mucosal layer, the epithelial cells and these villi, it looks more like the right side of the slide where the cells aren't nice and tight together. There's wide open junctions and an inability for these gatekeeper cells to keep the toxins out.
When it's working beautifully, only the nutrients get through. But most of us don't have a beautiful GI tract and epithelial lining. Toxins are getting through. These bacterial pathogens are just 1 example of that. When they get in through the GI tract and directly into the vascular system, then that's where they can cause trouble. In the vascular wall, in the heart, in the brain, in the kidneys.

There are other things that contribute to inflammation. Even as these bacteria alone weren't disruptive to the GI tract, food sensitivities, allergies, autoimmunity. Stress plays a role. And then the other thing I'd like to say is when we're not oxygenating well, then our mechanisms of eradicating toxins from our body. are impaired. We need plenty of good healthy oxygen going straight to the lungs so when the blood supply that takes the oxygenated blood to every organ in our body, the GI tract, the liver, the pancreas, the heart, the brain is well oxygenated.

If we've got an impairment there, again, airway to pathogens to plaque, we're trying to connect the dots between all 3 of these that are truly the worlds that connect us in dental and non dental medical communities. And then the 3 concepts that we need to know in order to be able to save our own life and our patients' lives.

For more information, visit

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The Inflammation Triad: The Truth About Plaque

0: 00 An Introduction to the Inflammation Triad
02:14 On Plaque’s Role
04:54 Smaller Areas of Plaque Are More Dangerous

The inflammation triad is this three-pronged component that we are looking at the airway, understanding that that's connected to these anaerobic pathogens, which are the ones that can cross over the linings of the body and they formulate these plaques. When we collaborate and we use these better measures and we're looking at this Inflammation Triad, we can get better outcomes for our patients.

When we see this decrease in oxygenation, what happened is occurring in the mouth is that we're not only becoming more acidic, but we're moving from an aerobic and oxygen loving environment to a non oxygen loving environment, which is anaerobic. We are more acidic. When pH changes, we grow anaerobic pathogens, the ones that do not need higher level of oxygenation. When we have more pathogens show up, it wipes out healthy bacteria. They take the food and the space and we lose these most important healthy bacteria called our nitrate reducers.

If we lose our nitrate reducers, we lose the ability to make these levels of nitric oxide. When we cannot make that nitric oxide, we have an increased permeability or leakiness, so to speak. This leads to inflammation. We have more inflammation.

We want to start with our end goal in mind and that is we'll focus on plaque because cardiovascular disease is the number one killer. A heart attack is occurring every 30-40 seconds and strokes about the same rate, and strokes are the number one disabilitating chronic disease in America. But with this information, all of us can feel confident that we're going to live out our future without a heart attack or stroke.

What is plaque exactly? It is this laying down of debris. Lipids are involved: cholesterol, bad cholesterol, LDL particles, but it's debris as our body is trying to get rid of toxins. We get these little lesions on the wall of the artery. Oral bacteria are circulating in the bloodstream and they penetrate into the vessel wall and trigger these events.

We've talked about looking at carotid arteries with ultrasound, with CAT scan technology, and artificial intelligence software. We can also look at the heart arteries now to see exactly where we stand in terms of plaque. We want to know about blood vessels that are like the one we see in the bottom right, where we've taken a cross section. You can see that there's plenty of room for blood flow but there's a dangerous type of plaque in the artery wall. That's likely to disrupt or rupture and cause this person to have a heart attack. Some call it necrotic core, lipid rich. We can see that on CAT scan technology.

There's no way to stabilize and keep someone from experiencing a heart attack if we find this kind of plaque, unless we find out if they're oxygenating well, all day and night, and if they have oral pathogens or not, we have to eradicate those bacterial pathogens in order to stabilize a lesion like this.

This is just an example on the left of the carotid ultrasound, this small area of plaque. Remember me telling you, I was sending patients home every day saying, "Don't worry about that small area of plaque. You've got plenty of blood flow." We now know nothing could be further from the truth.
Small areas of plaque are the ones that are more likely to rupture and cause a heart attack. Once they get discharged from the hospital, that's when the detective work begins and the time begins to save their life by finding all the root causes.

What Lora is pointing to there is plaque formation, and that's a moderately risky plaque. It has the capability to either become scar tissue, low risk plaque that is not going to cause a problem, or it has the capability to become a more dangerous type of plaque if we don't eradicate bacterial pathogens and treat airway issues.

The body can beautifully push that plaque into the wall of the artery and help keep your arteries dilated to maintain blood flow for as long as possible. The mechanisms of the body to create health for you and save your life are amazing. It brings us back to what Lora has just described to us about nitric oxide.

One of the key molecules is nitric oxide in order for our arteries to be elastic and to be able to dilate and to be able to keep this plaque in the wall of the artery and maintain blood flow. That's just one example of how this airway component, the oral pathogen component, contributes directly to plaque formation and our ability to resolve the plaque formation, to transform plaque or reverse cardiovascular disease.

It's possible. People say, "You can't really reverse cardiovascular disease." Okay, the plaque will always be there, but you can reverse the dangerous nature of it and transform it into scar tissue that will never cause a heart attack.

For more information, visit

Workout For Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
200 Squats
80 Dragans 80#
8 Pull Ups- Should is getting better
50 Pushups

Day 7 Snack Recipe : Keto Guacamole with Low-Carb Chips


Day 7 Dinner Recipe : Keto Chicken Enchiladas


Day 7 Lunch Recipe : Keto Fish Tacos with Cabbage Slaw
